In April 2024, we conducted a Diversity Audit and a Volunteer Survey to evidence who our volunteers are, which area they are volunteering in, and what they thought about their volunteering experience so far. This was done with People First (the Charity who delivers Healthwatch Lancashire) and provides an overview of our volunteering offer. 

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Survey

This report details the volunteers we currently have and their demographics including age, disability, gender, gender identity, relationship status, sexual orientation, ethnicity, beliefs, caring responsibilities and life experience. The findings of this survey help us to understand where are volunteer population is representative of the areas we cover as well as informing future recruitment for those areas under-represented.

Read the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report here (PDF opens in a new tab) 

Read the accessible version (word document) of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report here

Volunteer Experience Survey 

This report details the experiences of our current volunteers including what keeps volunteers volunteering with us, if they have faced any barriers in volunteering, the support they have accessed, support from the volunteer coordinator, if they feel they have adequate training and more. The findings of this survey have highlighted what is working well and recommendations to improve.

Read the Volunteer Experience Report here (PDF opens in a new tab)

Read the accessible version (word document) of the Volunteer Experience Report here



What we can offer

Find out why we (and our volunteers) believe that volunteering with us is great! 

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Our volunteers

Meet some of our current volunteers and find out what they think!

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Community Champions

Find out about our Community Champions Read more

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