In winter 2021, Healthwatch Together completed face to face engagements in Emergency Departments, Walk-in Centres and Urgent Treatment Centres to investigate patient experience and presentation. These findings were presented to Lancashire and South Cumbria Health and Care Partnership to assist them with emergency care winter planning.
One year on, Healthwatch Together has revisited this project and further engaged with people in Emergency Departments, Walk-in Centres and Urgent Treatment Centres. Findings have been analysed to investigate whether the recommendations made in 2021 have been implemented and whether they have made an impact on patient experience and presentation.
Healthwatch Lancashire engaged with 52 people across Central and West Lancashire between November 2022 and March 2023. Patients were asked for their reason for seeking emergency care, as well as their awareness of other available services. Themes emerged surrounding accessibility of GP appointments and a lack of awareness of the NHS 111 service. A reflection on the recommendations made in 2021 have also been made.