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Reviews (19)

Sending of text message / phone calls

June 26, 2024
received two calls from doctors surgery (Whilst aboard on holiday ) no message left - then followed with a text saying doctors had some information for me and to get in touch. Obviously on holiday not attended doctors for ages so very worried what this was about. When I phoned just saying I needed a BP check - why could they have not put that in a text message!

translation problems

May 16, 2024
translation service is really poor, we tell the receptionist we will need a translator but they never know when we attend and then they are struggling to get someone to help translate for us.

Time and support

May 16, 2024
when I go in to see a doctor or nurse, I feel very rushed. I feel they want you in and out. Before you’ve even sat down in the chair they are asking you questions. I feel they don’t fully listen or acknowledge what is going on and if you slightly go off topic, they are very fast to say you need to book another appointment for that.

communication with patients

May 16, 2024
you ring up in the morning and you never get an appointment, you sit there for around 30 minutes, I don’t have access to the internet so can’t use an app. They then say we only have phone call which is fine. The doctor rings and then says I need to see you, but they can’t see me that day. We then get sent a survey after the appointment asking us to comment on our experience but when you do tell them how you feel they don’t seem to listen or do anything about it.

communication with patients

May 16, 2024
my daughter rang on my behalf as my English isn’t brilliant, but they refused to let her book the appointment even though I was there. They clarified I was there, but they said as I can speak, I can book my own appointment. We asked about language line, and they said we don’t use that on reception.

communication with patients

May 16, 2024
they booked my diabetic appointment in advance, but they didn’t send me a reminder so unfortunately, I forgot and didn’t attend. They rang me to say they had moved my appointment, but I would now need to wait six weeks as I was the one who didn’t show for my appointment.

Booking appointments

May 16, 2024
I rang today for an appointment and they said the next available appointment is the 31st May. How is that right when patients need to see the doctor.

Diabetic treatment

May 16, 2024
Trying to see a doctor for diabetic check-up doesn’t happen. When they book me in, they just say the diabetic nurse is busy you will need to see someone else which is fine but if there is someone in the surgery who is a lead for diabetes surely we should be seeing that person.

Booking appointments

April 23, 2024
when you ring this surgery you cant book more than one appointment. I rang for me and my child and they said i could only book for one of us and id need to ring back to make an appointment. Obviously i chose my child over myself, but i put the phone down and rang back and they said all the appointments had gone so i needed to call back tomorrow.

getting an appointment

April 23, 2024
my husband wasnt feeling very well so i rang the doctors and they told me i could only get an appointment in a weeks time. We did get seen a week later and they referred him for a scan but they said this would be around a 2 month wait but nothing in the meantime to help support him.

ISSA Medical Centre - Dr Z H Patel



73 St Gregory Road


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