The Impact of our Waiting for Wellness Part 1

July 31, 2024

In October 2023, we published our first Waiting for Wellness report which explored people’s experiences of mental health and accessing services in Lancashire.

We received feedback from 156 people which revealed that the main barrier to accessing NHS mental health services was the long waiting lists, leaving people feeling let down and unsure where they could receive support. Despite waiting lists being lengthy, more than half of respondents were not signposted to additional support whilst on a waiting list.

You can read the full report here

Eight of our recommendations were for the attention of Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust (LSCFT) who delivery mental health services in Lancashire and South Cumbria. We have been working closely with the Trust to address the barriers and concerns highlighted within the report to improve their service and patient experience.

In May 2024, LSCFT updated us on what actions they had taken in response to our recommendations so far. Below details our recommendation and what LSCFT have done as a result.

We said

Ensure all crisis line call handlers have up to date information on live waiting times and communicate this clearly.



All four IRS have now launched. Live data is available to the teams.

We said

Undertake an audit of patient records to explore the information provided to people on waiting times for support and the actual time of intervention and use intelligence to improve process. If this information is not recorded, we recommend that it is recorded.



[Waiting for Wellness] Phase 1 is now complete and work is being undertaken to establish the priorities for phase 2* which will include work around reducing the waits against community and inpatient services.

*Healthwatch Lancashire published phase 2 of the Waiting for Wellness project, which you can read here

We said

Produce and promote a document which clearly describes which services LSCFT offer in particular their helpline services. For example, a flow chart which asks individuals a set of questions and directs them to the most appropriate service for their needs.



All IRS services are now fully functional across all areas of Lancashire and South Cumbria and the Trust networks. All information is contained on the Trust Website to describe the services offered by the Trust. Additionally these services are promoted through the Trust social media channels on a regular basis.  Awareness and promotion  is a continuous process


We said

Raise awareness of the Recovery College and the services it provides to promote prevention and support for health and wellbeing.



Awareness and promotion is a continuous process.


We said

Raise awareness of people’s rights to accessing mental health services including the quality of service they should expect and how to challenge when services fall below this including NHS complaints advocacy and PALS



Outreach service recommence November 23 with face-to-face interactions within patient areas. Leaflets updated as information changes. PALS contacts increased for 2022/23 were 1516 contacts raising to 2297 in 2023/24 – 51.5% increase.


We are encouraged to see that LSCFT have acknowledged and acted upon our recommendations to help improve access and experience of mental health services in Lancashire. We are currently working with LSCFT on phase 2 of Waiting for Wellness to ensure that young people’s access to mental health services is improved.


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