
Accessing GPs during Covid-19

March 22, 2021

Healthwatch England has recently published a new report taking a look at how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way … Read more

What Matters to You – “Set for Surgery” Focus Group

February 26, 2021

The next meeting of our over 55s online chat group is coming up on Thursday 4th of March at 11am … Read more

NHS England Welcome Plans to Strengthen Health and Care Legislation

February 16, 2021

Responding to the Health and Care White Paper which outlines proposals for legislation to make major changes to the way … Read more

Dentistry during Covid-19: FAQs

February 10, 2021

As we continue to adapt to the COVID-19 pandemic, we continue to hear questions about NHS Dentistry. To help answer … Read more

NHS Ask the Public to Call 111 Before Attending A&E

January 25, 2021

People who need urgent NHS care across West Lancashire and Sefton are being asked to contact NHS 111 before going … Read more

Unpaid carers in Lancashire are asked to share their experiences in national survey

January 18, 2021

  Unpaid carers in Lancashire are asked to share feedback on care following a year of the COVID-19 Pandemic   … Read more

Share your views. Take our parent and carer survey.

January 14, 2021

    What barriers are people with learning disabilities, and/or autism experiencing in accessing services and devices?At a time where … Read more

UK Government publishes plan for the largest vaccination programme in British history

January 13, 2021

The UK Government has recently published it’s COVID-19 vaccines delivery plan. Administering the COVID-19 vaccine is the largest vaccination programme … Read more

Help us hear the experiences of people with learning disabilities: take our service user survey

January 11, 2021

    What barriers are people with learning disabilities, and/or autism experiencing in accessing services and devices?At a time where … Read more

NHS Long Term Plan Focus Group Engagement

December 14, 2020

The report The Lancashire and South Integrated Care System (ICS) wanted to ensure that the needs of people were being … Read more

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