Healthwatch Lancashire has an active group of more than 30 local, experienced and skilled volunteers who help the organisation to be a public voice for health and social care in Lancashire. In the past 12 months alone, volunteers have helped Healthwatch Lancashire listen to the experiences, views and stories of more than 6,000 people in Lancashire.

Volunteers make a fantastic contribution to listening to people across the county about their views on how health and social care services are delivered and their experiences of using them. 

Volunteering with Healthwatch is flexible, interesting, and varied. You could be visiting a Care Home on an Enter and View visit one day, Sitting on an interview panel the next, then talking to young people about their views on sexual health services the next!

Our opportunities directly serve our purpose; finding out what people want from their Health & Care services, and feeding this back to decision makers so that changes can be made.

What we can offer

Find out why we (and our volunteers) believe that volunteering with us is great! 

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Our Volunteers

Meet some of our current volunteers and find out what they think!

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Volunteer Reports

Read our Volunteer Experience Survey and Equality Diversity Inclusion Audit report Read more

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