We’re all doing our bit: Estates team at local NHS Trust praised for their dedicated work
A team responsible for maintaining and repairing systems at University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (UHMBT) has been praised for its unstinting dedication during the coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis.
Over the last six weeks, UHMBT’s Estates Department staff and partner contract staff have been working for up to 12 hours a day, seven days a week to rapidly convert wards into intensive care units, install new systems, oversee numerous ward moves, retain safe water hygiene in closed areas, install protective screens in reception areas and create COVID-19 patient testing areas.
This work has involved converting acute wards and operating theatres into Intensive Care Units (ICU) by the addition of power supplies and medical air and converting acute wards to HFO (High Flow Oxygen) High Dependency Unit (HDU) areas by increasing medical oxygen flow rates.
The team has been installing nurse call systems, ventilation systems, wash hand basins, taps, macerators, fire doors, temporary storage areas and refrigerated storage.
Glyn Davies, Head of the Estates Management Service for UHMBT, praised his team members for their fantastic achievements and commitment to providing an excellent service during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Glyn said: “There are 90-plus staff within my team across all of our sites and there are obviously too many to name. Each and every one of them has been a huge contributor to the success of these works and the time-frame in which they were completed.
“Our team’s Director, Tristram Reynolds, has been a model of calmness, has always been available and has shown fantastic leadership throughout.
“I would like to make special mention of my staff who went above and beyond in their efforts to remain at work. I won’t name them as there are too many to tell every story.
“One person (who is over 70 years old) went to his GP for a medical and brought in a letter to say he was fit to work.
“Numerous people, who were unsure of underlying health conditions, brought assurances from their GP that they were fit to work.
“The achievements I’ve listed would not have happened without our partnerships with clinicians and teams including Finance, Supplies, Workforce and many more.”