Our Visit to ISSA Medical Practice

September 25, 2024
Image of ISSA Medical Centre in Preston for the news story ISSA Medical Practice visit from Healthwatch Lancashire
Image of ISSA Medical Practice Preston from here. 

Healthwatch Lancashire is the public voice for health and social care for local residents. Our focus is on listening to and understanding the needs, experiences and concerns of people who use services. We celebrate good practice and use patient feedback to make recommendations to providers, helping create a health and social care system that works well for everyone. 

On 15th May 2024, during one of our regular engagement events, Healthwatch Lancashire representatives heard feedback from several people regarding ISSA Medical Practice in Preston.

They highlighted concerns about difficulties making appointments, diabetic appointments, communication from ISSA Medical Practice with patients, and language barriers to accessing the service.


Meeting the ISSA Medical Team

As a result of this feedback, we arranged a meeting with the Practice Manager and Operations Manager of ISSA Medical Practice to discuss the comments in more detail. The meeting took place on Friday, 14th June.

Both the Practice Manager and Operations Manager were proactive in explaining procedures at the Practice that are already in place to support patients who need access to language line. They explained that the Practice has multi-lingual receptionists for patients who need support booking appointments. They also explained that the Practice has spoken to relatives in the past to book appointments, and this is something that they can facilitate with prior permission from the patient.

With regards to diabetic clinic appointments, an automatic text message is sent to patients a week before the appointment and the day before to remind them. The conversation also highlighted that they have a lot of diabetic specialists trained in the Practice, so there should be no reason for someone who needs to see a doctor or nurse to miss out on an appointment with one of the specialists.

We were told that the Practice strives to see patients on the same day when requested, but that it is not always possible. Most patients are seen within a day or two, but longer waiting times might occur when patients request to see a specific doctor. Those wanting to see a specific doctor might wait up to two weeks.


What is ISSA Medical Centre Doing to Ensure Patient Satisfaction?

During the meeting, it became clear that the leadership team at the Practice are proactive in their commitment to improving patient experience. They undertake an audit every month on patient feedback, which they receive via the friends and family test, and use this feedback to improve the service.  

The Practice has also held Health Melas to invite patients in to speak directly to the Practice and ask any questions they might have.

The Manager explained that any concerns they receive are taken seriously and dealt with quickly to ensure patients receive the care they need. They encourage patients to speak to them directly so that concerns can be dealt with promptly.

Healthwatch were invited to attend the Health Promotion Day on Saturday 13th July at Fatima Health Centre in Fulwood. This was a great opportunity to work with the two Practices and the patients to help support coproduction.

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