Our Engagement: Safeguarding Conference
Written by Steve Walmsley, attended by both Steve and Jodie Carney
In today’s ‘Our Impact’ report, we took part in the Lancashire and South Cumbria Safeguarding Conference on the 19th of November and shared the findings from our Safeguarding Voices project from 2023.
In 2023 Healthwatch Together delivered an engagement project to independently review the effectiveness of the section 42 Safeguarding Case Management for Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool and Lancashire Safeguarding Adult Boards. Healthwatch Together engaged with 258 people, of whom were individuals, carers or professionals involved in a section 42 safeguarding enquiry.
On the 19th November, we attended the LCSFT Safeguarding conference at Grasshoppers in Preston to share the learning from the Safeguarding Voices project that we ran in 2023. The aim of our visit was to highlight positive experiences and how the work undertaken by professionals could help people receiving support from services during Safeguarding enquiries.
There were some elements of learning highlighted for future practice, which was well received by members of the conference as they discussed ways in which their systems could work more effectively to support people using their services.
“It is important to use opportunities like this to reflect on our practice going forward.”
During the event we held an engagement stand to learn more from professionals about their own experiences which we have added to our overall picture of services across the county.
You can read more about our Safeguarding project here.
If you have any experience of safeguarding that you wish to share please get in touch with us by email or telephone:
Email: Info@healthwatchlancashire.co.uk
Tel: 01524239100