Our day at the Family Fun Day in Burnley

September 14, 2023

On the 23rd of August, our Engagement Team Leader Steve attended the Family Fun Event at the Chai Centre in Burnley. This was an event set up by the Community Roots (formlerly known as the Recovery College) ran by Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust to showcase the services that are available to the local community.

Community Roots’ aim is to improve the health and wellbeing of local communities through a range of courses and is open to everyone aged over 16. Find out more about Community Roots

Healthwatch Lancashire attended to gather feedback from the local community about health and social care services.

There were various organisations at the event including the LSCFT Bowel Screening team, Talking Therapies, the HARRI bus and much more. The event was very well attended by the local community and Healthwatch Lancashire heard many stories about local services and people’s experiences of accessing wider primary care services. It was a great opportunity to build on the strong relationships that we have within the communities of East Lancashire.

What are we doing with the feedback gathered?

  • We received some feedback regarding local hospitals in East Lancashire and this feedback will be anonymised and included in our updates to East Lancashire Hospitals Trust during the monthly Patient Experience Meeting.
  • Feedback about GP’s (including feedback about excellent care, the frustrations on having to wait on the phone to make an appointment, and feedback about specific GPs) will be collated with our wider GP feedback to help inform our future GP Enter and View programme.

If you have feedback about a health or social care service that you wish to share with us please use our Independent Feedback Centre or call us on 01524 239100 to speak with a member of our team.