HWL Shortlisted for Healthwatch Award

October 19, 2020

The shortlist for this year’s Healthwatch Awards has been released by Healthwatch England. And… it’s official, Healthwatch Lancashire has made the shortlist. 


The Healthwatch Awards

The Healthwatch Awards highlight the work that thousands of staff and volunteers have carried out across the UK. This includes:

  • Finding out what people like about health and social care support, and what could be improved;
  • Helping people find the information they need about services in their area; and
  • Encouraging those in charge of NHS and social care services to make the changes that communities would like to see.

We are proud to have been shortlisted for the ‘The impact our team makes’ award. 


The ‘Impact our Team Makes’ Award

This award celebrates the collective impact of one local Healthwatch team, in delivering a project that supports improvements to health and social care services.

We have been chosen due to our Enter and View programme, a project that supports care home residents to have their views heard and improvements they would like to see adopted. Enter and View describes our team’s visits to residential care homes, where our team talk with residents, relatives and staff to build a picture of the experience in the care home. This experience is then written into a report and shared. 

We’d like to give a big thank you to Healthwatch England for this recognition and a big good luck to all shortlisted Healthwatch as we await the next stage of the awards process.