Emmy reaches 1 year at Healthwatch Lancashire!

June 16, 2023

It has been a year since I started at Healthwatch Lancashire as a Senior Engagement Officer covering Central and West Lancashire.

I have been involved in many projects over the year, gathering feedback on a range of topics from the Covid-19 vaccination to the cost of living. I am currently leading on our Waiting for Wellness project which is gathering experiences of mental health support in Lancashire. I set up this project in response to the increasing amounts of feedback we receive regarding mental health and it is so important for us to capture real life experiences and help make services better for those communities.

You can complete our Waiting for Wellness survey here

I have fully immersed myself within my area which is Chorley, Preston, South Ribble and West Lancashire and I have made some very good and important connections within those communities. I have attended community groups, pop-up events, festivals, talks, conferences, support groups and taken part in focus groups across Lancashire. The connections and networks I have met along the way have been invaluable. Working in partnership with a range of organisations, helps us to better understand and support the communities within Lancashire.

One highlight from the past year was when I attended a group called ‘Maktoom Mummies’ which is a group for parents with children with special educational needs and disabilities. Through discussion, it was clear parents needed more support and information. From this, I contacted the SENDIASS team and arranged for them to visit the group with me and answer their questions and provide them with the information they needed. This is just one example of the impact Healthwatch can have.

I have especially enjoyed Enter & View visits over the past year and I have put many recommendations in place to help support services and improve the care they provide. It has been particularly rewarding to see service providers action our recommendations and work hard to improve their service.

This year I will be aiming on building more connections within Central and West Lancashire and reaching all communities. I am looking forward to what the next year brings!