Our Engagement: Lancaster and Morecambe College

January 31, 2025

In today’s ‘Our Impact’ report, Emmy visited Lancaster and Morecambe College to ask young people about our current project around women’s health. The three topics that were explored on the day were around Menopause, Mental Health and Gynecological Health. Women were asked about their personal experiences around the three topics and if they knew where to go for support.

image of emmy our senior engagement officer at Lancaster and Morecambe college infront of a table with Healthwatch leaflets and posters on

During the engagement, we spoke with eleven people including students and staff members. One reoccurring theme from this engagement was knowledge and understanding of Menopause symptoms, support and where to go in the area for help and support. Young people spoke about how mental health was a reoccurring trend and that young people are going to seek support for women’s health and it being passed off as mental health and expected to sort it themselves.

“I do struggle with my mental health a lot and there is just no support out there for women around women’s mental health and always put you in a ‘box’ with all other mental health problems when this is not what it is. I did approach doctors but they just told me to go and fix it on my own with no help or support. Gladly my mum was a massive support and I have now found coping mechanisms that work for me.”

Concerns were raised about the awareness of menopause and the complications this has on women in their personal and professional lives and the impact it has on other areas such as mental health concerns.

“I have been suffering with menopause for some time now with no help or support. On top of this my mental health is also massively affected as I am struggling with my symptoms and no support is given.”

The engagement highlighted barriers women face to accessing support with gynaecology services and also long wait times for appointments. A positive outcome of the engagement was young people mentioning that they feel supported by the college and can speak to staff about any concerns they may have.

“College supports me with my mental health, or anything related to women’s health, they are very knowledgeable and open with us about problems we take to them. I have also been to see a doctor about women’s health, and I would feel comfortable speaking with a male or a female.”

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