This report details our findings from phase one of our Women’s Health project. It consolidates survey responses from 305 women across Lancashire and helps identify key themes from experiences of women from all different walks of life.
It highlights the methods used to reach women across Lancashire, their experiences and the next steps Healthwatch Lancashire will take to improve services for women in our county.
In total, 305 women across Lancashire completed our survey which has allowed us to gain a wide view on the perspectives of women using healthcare services in Lancashire. Our survey used to fuel this report asked women questions like;
- What matters to you most about your health and wellbeing?
- How would you describe women’s health services in your area?
- How comfortable do you feel talking to healthcare professionals about
your women’s health needs? - Do you feel listened to by health professionals when discussing women’s
health issues? - What women’s health concerns would you like to see Healthwatch
Lancashire priorities in Phase 2 of our study? [This question asked women
to select their top 3 priorities from seventeen options].
Talk To Us: Women's Health Report (Phase1) | Download File (pdf 4.89 MB) |
Very interesting report.
Some worrying experiences which shouldn’t happen in this day and age.
I have bladder problems but don’t discuss this at the doctors because they are busy with more serious problems and any way this ongoing problem is not easily sorted. ,It would be good to be able to self refer to a women only nurse locally .
Weight loss would be good but I have mobility problems and am on some very unhelpful immune suppressants which cause severe tiredness and each day I do not know how my joint will be.
I would like to see a women’s service that is knowledgeable about all aspects of female health throughout a women’s lifetime.
Often it’s easier to say leave it because it doesn’t seem important and you don’t know where to go other than Doctor Google
After all we are old ,had our children and cared for our elderly so an overstretched NHS is not there for us,it’s hard enough getting antibiotics for chest infections which are more important than other health issues.