Say no to loneliness
On St Valentine’s Day Healthwatch Lancashire was proud to be part of the Healthier Fleetwood ‘Say No to Loneliness’ event at the Marine Hall in Fleetwood. The event gave people the opportunity to have a cup of tea and a chat, find an exciting new interest and meet new friends. There was also a great opportunity to get advice and support around health and well-being from a range of organisations.
A range of organisations attended and provided a wide range of activities; these included Friends of Fleetwood Museum, Friendlier Fleetwood, the Prince’s Trust, The Bay: Blueprint for Recovery, Behind Closed Doors, Talking Men, Lancashire Volunteer Partnership, and Take A Break.
Fleetwood Town Council and the Fleetwood Social Prescribers were also available for those who needed practical support and advice around services in the Fleetwood area. People had the opportunity to find out what these groups do and how they could be a fantastic new interest or hobby. There were lots of laughs along the way too!
Healthwatch Lancashire was proud to have a stand at the event, and lots of people shared their experiences of their health and social care services; including access to GPs, the need for female GPs, and supply of medication from pharmacies; there was also several positive comments around specific health and social care practices. We gathered a lot of information which we will be using to enable us to continue working towards improving health and social care services in the area.
The event finished off with a poem reading and a sing-along with Harmony and Health who we thoroughly enjoyed singing along with.
A big thanks to Healthier Fleetwood for letting us be part of the amazing day, and to everyone who we spoke with. You can find events, support and information on their website.
A special thanks to Karen from Jars of Joy (Crafting and Positive Thinking) who let us create our own dinosaur Jar of Joy – so much fun!
Are you experiencing loneliness? The following organisations offer a range of support:
Silverline: The Silver Line Helpline is a free, confidential telephone service just for older people. They provide friendship, conversation and support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Re-engage: Charity supporting older people through volunteering.
Social Prescribers: An approach which connects people to activities, groups and services in their community to meet the practical, social and emotional needs that affect their health and wellbeing. Contact your GP for a referral.
Lancashire County Council have a range of advice surrounding social isolation and loneliness.
Age UK Lancashire: Age UK Lancashire is an independent charity working in Lancashire to offer support and services to older people.
NHS Every Mind Matters: A campaign ran by the NHS with information, tips and resources.
Is loneliness affecting your mental health which you think you need support for? There is support out there:
NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria Foundation Trust Mental Health Helpline: 0800 915640